Who we are

The RCRC Partnership

The Red Cross Red Crescent Partnership on Substance Abuse

It was established in 2012 by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the Italian Red Cross and Villa Maraini Foundation, in response to the increase of substance abuse and related problems globally. Goal of the Partnership is to join efforts and leverage the knowledge and expertise of Villa Maraini for the benefit of Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies globally.

The Partnership acts as ‘centre of excellence’ of the IFRC, with the function of serving as a research and training hub on substance abuse and related topics, to develop and share guidelines, recommendations and best practices in support of strategy planning and implementation of the IFRC and National Societies. 

The Partnership Secretariat is hosted by Villa Maraini Foundation, the National Agency for addictions of the Italian Red Cross in Rome.


The 1° Red Cross Asiatic Conference in Bangkok recognized drug abuse as one of the main problem in the society and committed RCRC National Societies to take action in this field


IFRC created a group of experts on substance abuse which met ten times during fourteen years and promoting two RC/RC World Conferences on drugs, in Norway (1985) and in Spain (1989). The Group also produced three handbooks on drugs, alcohol and tobacco.


At the 25th International Conference of the Red Cross in Geneva, the Resolution 29 “The fight against drug abuse” was adopted. It requested National Societies to form groups of experts on this topic and work out a strategy of intervention.


The Italian Red Cross and other 12 RC/RC NSs established the European Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Network on HIV/AIDS and TB (ERNA), with the aim to contribute to the reduction of the spread of HIV, AIDS, TB and other communicable diseases principally among the most vulnerable people, including PWUDs.


Mission & Objectives

Our Mission
The overall goal of the Red Cross Red Crescent Partnership on Substance Abuse is to support National Societies to enhance activities addressing and meeting basic needs of communities suffering from substance abuse, eliminating health inequalities and advocating for the respect of human rights.

Our Team

Team Members
Our team is composed by a Chair, in the person of Dr. Massimo Barra, a Steering Committee composed of two representatives of each partner organisation and a Secretariat with two staff members.